drupa, PRINTING United announce partnership

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Ford Bowers and Sabine Geldermann

The leadership of drupa, the European printing trade fair, and PRINTING United Expo, announced a partnership, with no details revealed at this point other than a pledge to make their respective events “more relevant.”

According to the announcement: “Both organizations, with their customer-centric focus, will look to make all their events even more relevant and beneficial to both attendees and exhibitors in the ever-changing printing technology landscape.”

“PRINTING United Expo’s one-roof approach aligns very strongly with what drupa has brought to the industry over the last 7 decades,” said Sabine Geldermann, Director drupa, Portfolio Print Technologies. “Showcasing the many applications printing technology has these days, not only in the graphic arts field but in packaging, industrial and textile is what our attendees appreciate.”

“Our partnership with drupa underscores our commitment to advancing the entirety of the printing industry,” said Ford Bowers, CEO, PRINTING United Alliance. “Together, we will be able to deliver even more opportunities for growth and collaboration to all who participate in the marketplace of events. We look forward in the coming months to sharing our conversations on how this partnership will unfold and the benefits to all our partners.”

Drupa is currently underway in Düsseldorf, Germany. PRINTING United Expo 2024 will be held in Las Vegas from Sept. 10-12 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.